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Keep sane this festive

Good day, my love bugs. It is the festive season, and most people spend time with loved ones. Home is not also a place that many people look forward to, and if you have made the decision to spend this festive season by yourself, I am proud of you. Here are some useful tips for taking care of your mental health during the festive season 1. Set realistic expectations Am I the only one who feels like the feeling of the festive season has changed over the years? Do not conform to the pressure to create a holiday spirit or to have as good a festive season as the previous years. If we are also keeping it a buck, the holiday spirit that everyone celebrates is mostly created by women in the family who labor for it. Try focusing on the moments that matter most. By setting realistic expectations you relieve yourself from stress and pressure 2. Practice self-care Do not neglect your self-care routine during the holidays, considering that you have spent the majority of the year working on it. Cont...
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The smart to average kid pipeline

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Spiritual bypassing and its danger to mental health

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A lot can happen in a year: Editor's Note

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So you want to start therapy...

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