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Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Good day, my love bugs.

Have you made your 2025 vision board yet? If not, there is no judgment yet. I want us to discuss what we should bring into the new year and what we should not bring into the new year.

Firstly, Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly but expecting a different result. If, in the past, certain behaviors, environments, people, and conversations were not yielding the change you wanted to see, then maybe it is time you do things differently. Big changes are the result of small steps. You may find that you set goals and have momentum, but somewhere along the way, you lose the momentum. This is usually normal, when we set new goals, we are excited, well-rested, and motivated, but then life gets in the way, and we lose track of everything. Do not throw in the towel early, and do not give up if the results are slow in coming. There is a beauty when things take their natural due course. Do you sometimes think of things that you wanted in the past and that did not happen? You then come to the realization and the relief that you did not get what you wanted at that time. Pacing yourself and your goals makes for a healthy way to live. Often, we set a lot of goals, rush to get them, receive what we asked for, and not manage to keep them.

Look at it this way: instead of making a temporary altercation to your life, make it a part of your lifestyle. Attempting to make a lot of changes in a small amount of time is how we get overwhelmed, so by making small changes to incorporate into our lifestyle, we get sustainable results. For example, if you want to establish a well-detailed morning routine instead of being stressed about the minute details, start by changing one thing about your mornings. This could be making the bed immediately when you wake up or setting your alarm 10 minutes earlier to have more time for yourself. Once you get into this routine and establish it as a habit, you can start adding a few things to the routine, and by the end of the year, you will have a fully detailed morning routine.

It is okay to change your mind. It is okay to think that you wanted something but now realize that you no longer want it. Last year, we spoke about the barrier of vague goals and adding a 'why' to each goal that you set. Sometimes, we want things because other people have them, or we think because we are in a certain stage in life, we should achieve certain things. This could also be true for many things! Sometimes, we are scared to set certain goals because everyone is telling us to wait or most people had not achieved that at our age. When setting your goals, you need to sit with yourself and look at a variety of factors, most importantly, every goal you make needs to be signed off by you.

Setting goals or making a vision board does not negate life of its challenges. There will always be something. People you want to work with may take their time in responding to your emails. Establishing your business may take months of paperwork and rejected proposals. You may have to share an apartment or continue living at home to save up for your desired space; you may have to rent an Airbnb or borrow someone's camera to shoot your content. Just because the packaging or the vision is not what you thought of does not mean you should not do it. The conditions to start or to do anything will never be perfect. Waiting for a time when everything is perfect is a form of procrastination.

Till next time, Cheers!

Source: Unsplash images


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