Good day, my love bugs. You most likely have developed your habits, routines, and discipline. You may feel as though you are doing what you can on an individual level, you keep on improving and have set the vision. You just may be struggling with taking the next step and not knowing what move to make. You could have made the move, are in a different phase in your life, and want some guidance. Have you considered getting a life coach or a mentor? The similarities between a mentor and a life coach Life coaches and mentors share the goal of helping individuals develop and reach their full potential by providing guidance, support, and accountability. They both rely on active listening, constructive feedback, and building a trusting relationship with their client/mentee. The key area of both is development as they aim to help individuals identify areas for improvement and work towards personal and professional growth. Empowerment is also a key focus area for mentors and life coaches, they a...