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My Prom,21 October 2020.

They day finally came, the day of my prom! I remember being so nervous and in the moment. I had so much to do and time was catching up on me.
 Keyword:TIME that is what defines you on that day. Walking through the red carpet while everyone is chanting your name is thrilling. By the end of the night we all had our heels off,dozens of pictures were taken and we danced our butts off. I will remember that night forever.
 These are my tips on how you should get ready for your prom:
1. Have an allocated budget and plan everything revolving around your budget.
2. Do not put yourself under unecessary pressure you don't need the most expensive dress,shoes or car to look good or be memorable.
3. Plan everything way in advance,if you are getting your dress/suit designed make sure you start your arrangements 6 months in advance.
4.Be open to trying new things,like that set idea you have of your dress but there may be something better out there.
5. Go for fittings two weeks before the event.
6. Don't panic if things do not go according to plan.
7.Live in the moment,enjoy your day to the fullest.


  1. You looked beautiful. Here's to a new season of young adulthood. Make the best of it.

  2. Beautiful 🥹


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