This post is for the people who have to make it. This is for the people who are grateful for their blessings but feel tired, conflicted, confused, and overworked. I decided to talk about overthinking because I am an overthinker. I actually do not struggle with overthinking I do very well with it. I have been overthinking about this post. I have been overthinking my writing and my whole life in general and I know I am not the only one who does this.
I have been facing sleeplessness this past two weeks and I read on PharmEasy that overthinking disrupts sleep. I have been more stressed than ever and now I struggle with getting a good night’s rest. This is because your body does not allow you to sleep when your mind is not at peace. Ruminating on almost everything and worrying constantly about things over which you have little or no control often lead to fewer hours of sleep.
We are our own worst critics, overthinking is often a result who having been continuously disappointed in the past. Those around you who were supposed to be there for you often let you down and therefore you have this bad habit of always thinking things are going to be bad or that it will not work out for you. Overthinking can set you up for a vicious cycle that is hard to break, it wreaks havoc on your mental peace and as you lose your peace of mind you tend to overthink.
Overthinking also impacts problem-solving and decision making which makes it difficult to make decisions and solve problems efficiently and it ultimately makes someone feel less confident in their actions. PharmEasy makes this example that even making simple decisions like choosing what to wear may feel like a life-or-death situation when you are an overthinker.
There is a difference between overthinking and intuition oftentimes times when you have a gut feeling is about your ability to be reasonable without extensive knowledge. If ever you question how you are being treated or someone tries to gaslight you about the trauma you have been through you are right. If you ever feel like something is off take it as a sign to follow your gut.
We have to realize that some things are just beyond our control and remind ourselves that we have overcome what we thought would kill us. You should not be too hard on yourself we are all doing life for the first time. There is also such a thing as a right decision-it's the decision you make and life unfolding in the direction it was supposed to unfold. Overthinking is something we struggle with and if you feel like it is becoming too much seek help from a trained mental health expert.
Till next time, Cheers!
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