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Showing posts from August, 2023

Editors Note: The multifaceted babe, burnout, perfectionism and social media culture.

Good day, my love bugs. Can spring get here already? I am ready to wear my sundress. I have been taking some time to think about all of the goals that I had set for this year and I came across a podcast episode on the To My Sisters YouTube channel. I love this podcast and recommend it. In this episode, they were talking about being a multi-faceted babe, which is very popular on social media this means you have different aspects to you, to your interests or you work different careers.  This is not an issue primarily, there is a famous saying that goes ‘An idle mind is the devil's playground' We have to have hobbies, and we have to keep our minds stimulated and our bodies moving however, with this generation of social media, being multifaceted is put on the extreme. Considering the capitalist system and how the world economies are functioning, it is wise to have more than one stream of income. It would also be great if everyone could live well financially but this becomes an issu...

Elusive happiness

Good day, my love bugs. I hope that Spring ushers you in well. In the past few months, I have been thinking about being happy/happiness. I have been wondering if there will be a time when we are constantly happy. I think that is humanly impossible considering that life is not positive all the time. More so, we think of happiness as an outcome of something that we are doing or going to achieve. For, example we think we will be happy when we attain a degree, when we have a lot of money in the bank, or when we get married. The one thing that everyone has correct about being happy is that it is an inside job. Nothing or one is going to make you happy besides yourself. This is why it is important to spend time with yourself so that you can know exactly what you want. Happiness has become so elusive for most of us because we have never realized how much we have been chasing it away. We look for it in the wrong places and the wrong people. Happiness has all to do with the present, we spend ou...