Good day my love bugs. Have you made your vision board yet? If not, do not worry I got you. On this platform we are big believers of vision boards. I want you to get excited about making a vision board make it an event. Invite your friends over and do it together even! Cut out every picture with intention pick the words but most importantly have a vision. I advise that you pray or seek on the higher spiritiual power to guide you on this vision. Why make a vision board? Because we cannot be what we cannot see. Even the Bible says that "Without a vision the people perish" A vision board is a template of the person you want to become Your vision board is yours. You can make it look anyhow, I saw a Tiktok video of a lady who made her vision board a Bingo cart and each time she achieves her goal she crosses it out. It does not have to be jam packed with goals, you can just have one vision for the year. It also does not have to have many pictures like the lady ...