As I was approaching my exams and realising that we are in the last months of the year I was overcome with so much anxiety. I know it was academic stress but also the thought that 2023 is around the corner and I have more questions than answers. 2022 started off on a very traumatic note for me I was dealing with a lot from the previous year. I spent most of this trying to process all that had happened to me. I do not know how to describe how this year was for me but it was about taking things in, learning and growth. Growth is not cute or pleasant at all. I think I met so many versions of myself this year and in the end I chose me. I wrote this piece for anyone who also might be feeling the same. I know we made vision boards and set goals which all might have not come true or to fruition. If you are a religious or spiritual person this is a reminder that everything happens at God's own timing. The universe will also unfold when it knows that you are ready. Do not be too hard ...