Good day love bugs ! I am very passionate about writing and I wanted to share how beneficial journaling can be to your mental health. I have been journaling since I can remember and it has done so much for me. It has allowed me to look at my life from many different perspectives and has also helped me manage my stress and anxiety. Here are ways in which journaling can help you: 1. Journaling helps you control your symptoms and improve your mood. If you are experiencing any sort of challenge with your mental health, journaling can help you detect symptoms. Please do seek a professional if you feel that you are in urgent need of assistance. 2. It helps you keep track of yourself day-to-day so that you can recognize your triggers and learn better ways to control them. Remember that our goal for the year is to build healthy habits and journaling can help with that. 3. Journaling provides you with an opportunity for positive self-talk. You should not only journal when things become cat...