Good day, my love bugs. I put up an Instagram poll a while back on my wellness page @ acreatorswrite and I asked you guys what is the one thing you want to try or do in 2024. The majority of the response was therapy. As someone who has been in therapy since high school and someone who works in social services, I know that therapy can sound so overwhelming. Let us dismantle some of the myths that are associated with therapy. 1. Every journey starts with acceptance In the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous , the first step is to admit that you have a problem. This is similar to therapy because denial does not take you anywhere with any journey be it a fitness journey or a spiritual journey- you have to admit that there is something you have to address, a truth you are running away from, or an unresolved trauma that you have to deal with in therapy. Acceptance also comes with accountability in therapy you are going to have to own up to everything you ...